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No School - Presidents' Day

Feb 17

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Board of Education Meeting

Feb 18

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DuPage Family Museum Night

Feb 20

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Non-Attendance Day - Staff Professional Development

Feb 27

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No School - Teacher Institute

Feb 28

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Board of Education Meeting

Mar 4

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Family Literacy Night

Mar 13

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Board of Education Meeting

Mar 18

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End of 9 Weeks

Mar 21

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Report Cards Issued

Mar 28

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Spring Break

Mar 31 - Apr 4

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Board of Education Meeting

Apr 15

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For families transporting their children to and from the Early Childhood Center, there is much to know! See the information below to learn more about Arrival and Dismissal.

Bus transportation is provided for Preschool for All students at designated bus stops by Septran.

Students receive their bus route assignments after they are registered for the program. Bus service begins on the first day of classes. Students are advised of regulations for conduct on the bus. Video cameras have been installed on all buses to monitor rider behavior.


Specialized busing is provided for qualified students by Septran. For questions about specialized busing or to report changes in specialized busing needs, please call 630-516-7700.


For the protection of all students, please follow all posted signs and directions from school staff and crossing guards. Per Illinois law, all cell phone use is prohibited while driving in a school zone.


Driving Procedures for Arrival

If you will be driving your child to school, please use the parent drop-off lane and stay with your vehicle. Please place your colored paper on the passenger side dashboard or on the passenger window so that the staff knows your child’s assigned teacher. This will assist the staff in efficiently helping your child exit the bus or car, and be escorted to the correct classroom line. The teachers will line their students up inside the foyer of the Early Childhood Center. With ten classrooms of students, it will be too congested to line the children up outside of the Center.

Please enter from the east, and turn off of Jackson Street into the Jackson Middle School campus. Follow the road straight back to the Early Childhood Center. Do not turn right, as this will place you in front of Jackson Middle School. As you approach the Early Childhood Center, please wait in the vehicle line and gradually veer left into the parent drop-off lane. Staff will be available to help your child out of the back seat of your vehicle. Please have your child’s backpack next to them so that the staff member may also take their backpack. Staff members will take your child’s hand and escort them into the school building. The colored paper on your dashboard or passenger window will alert the staff to your child’s assigned teacher and classroom. The colored tag attached to your child’s backpack will also alert the staff to your child’s assigned teacher and classroom. Parents will then proceed through the parking lot, and back down the driveway to Jackson Street. When you get to the stop sign at Jackson Street, please continue North on Michigan or turn right and go east on Jackson Street to avoid any remaining Middle School traffic.

Bus Procedures for Arrival

Parents and buses may only enter from the east on Jackson Street and turn into the Jackson Middle School campus. There are two designated drop-off locations: one for buses and one for cars. Bus drop-off lanes are for buses only. The buses will enter from Jackson Street, proceed into the campus, and turn right (west) for the bus lanes. Staff will walk to the buses to take students on and off the bus and escort them into the school building. For safety reasons, parents may not cross this area of the parking lot and walk their child in between buses.

Walking Procedures for Arrival

If you are walking your child to school, you may enter the Jackson Middle School campus from Jackson street. Please use the sidewalk on the east side to walk your child up to the Early Childhood Center. As you approach the EC Center, there will be a staff member available to cross you and your child safely at the crosswalk to the front of the building. You will wait there with your child until a staff member takes them into the building.

Since this is a new school building with new procedures, we all need to work together to develop and follow arrival and dismissal procedures to ensure the safety of the students.


Driving Procedures

If you are picking up your child in your vehicle, please line up in the parent drop-off/pick-up lane. Be sure your colored paper is displayed on your dashboard or your passenger door. Once in the pick-up lane in front of the building, turn off your car and stand next to the back passenger door to place your child in their car or booster seat. Early Childhood staff will not be securing your child in their seat at this time. The staff at the pick-up lane will communicate with other staff members regarding which parents are currently in the pick-up lane. There will not be time to conference with teachers or teacher assistants about your child’s day at school during this time. Our goal is to safely and efficiently transition your child back to your care as well as keep the line of traffic moving along. At any given time, there will be approximately five cars turned off with parents standing outside at a time. When those parents have secured their child, they may start their car and drive around the parking lot. The next group of cars will advance, and those parents will turn off their cars, exit, and stand on the passenger side next to the car seats and booster seats.

Parents will then proceed through the parking lot and back down the driveway to Jackson Street. When you get to the stop sign at Jackson Street, please continue North on Michigan or turn right and go east on Jackson Street to avoid any remaining Middle School traffic.

Bus Procedures

If your child will be taking the bus home, they will be brought to the bus by a staff member. The bus driver will buckle the students in and then begin the bus route.

Walking Procedures

If you are walking to pick up your child from school, please use the sidewalk on the east side of the driveway and proceed to the front of the Early Childhood Center. Your child will exit from the front of the building. You will then need to exit the campus via the same sidewalk path. For safety reasons, do not walk through any other parking lots or areas of the campus.